Grief & Sympathy

Grief can last for years. Coping with loss can often be overwhelming, and we all need each other to get through. If you’re trying to take care of yourself or looking for the right way to support someone who’s grieving, we’re here to help.

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Laissez Imaginez : Un guide pour trouver l’inspiration vous guider vers la création d’un service parfait.

Losing a loved one

The death of a loved one can be incredibly painful, and grief is a personal journey that requires patience, self-compassion and a willingness to seek support. Taking care of yourself, leaning on others and allowing yourself to feel your emotions are all key to managing grief and finding a path toward healing.

Showing support

When someone we care about is grieving, we want to offer empathy, love and support. However, we might not know what to say to a grieving partner or what to do for a grieving friend. Here’s guidance on how to show you care, how to show up and how to remind a friend or family member they are not alone.

Imaginez la planification funéraire d’une façon différente

Des funérailles ou un service commémoratif devraient être une célébration unique. Chacun à sa propre histoire. Comment voulez-vous raconter la vôtre? Imaginez est un livre rempli d'idées pour créer un bel hommage inoubliable pour vous ou une personne aimée. Téléchargez Imaginez pour commencer à planifier un hommage inoubliable dès aujourd'hui.

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