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Recherche de matthew sanders
Matthew "Matt" J. Sanders
20-03-1963 – 25-07-2024
Matthew “Matt” J. Sanders, 61, of Washington passed away on Thursday, July 25, 2024. He was born on March 20, 1963 in Peoria to William E. and Grace A. (Wargo) Sanders. They preceded him in...
Matthew "Matt" Damian Sanders
27-08-1974 – 31-12-2022
Matthew "Matt" Damian Sanders, age 48, of Saint Louis, Missouri passed away on Saturday, December 31, 2022. Matt was born August 27, 1974. Matt is predeceased by his mother, Deborah (nee Ellis)...
Judge Kion Matthew Sanders
02-10-2021 – 20-10-2021
Judge Kion Matthew Sanders, age 18 days, of Lancaster, California passed away on Wednesday, October 20, 2021. Judge was born October 2, 2021. Fond memories and expressions of sympathy may be shared...
Matthew Isiah Sanders
10-02-1997 – 13-10-2020
Matthew Isiah Sanders, 23, peacefully passed away October 13, 2020. He was born February 10, 1997 in St. Louis, to Matthew and Jenifer Sanders and a large, loving family. He graduated from Parkway...
Mattie Mae Sanders
20-12-1933 – 08-03-2020
Mattie Mae Sanders, age 86, of Las Vegas, Nevada passed away on Sunday March 8, 2020. Mattie was born December 20, 1933 in Enterprise, AL. Fond memories and expressions of sympathy may be shared at...
Mattie Sanders Ballard
She was a homemaker, a native of Ethel and a resident of Baton Rouge. Mattie died at 4:50 a.m. Thursday, April 30, 2009, at Baton Rouge General Medical Center-Bluebonnet. She was 96. Visitation at...