Pre-planning Your Funeral or Cremation

Making final arrangements in advance is a gift to your family. When you plan ahead, you make your wishes known and ease the way for the people who love you. Though you can’t protect your family from grief, you can help lessen their burden. Let a Dignity Memorial® planning advisor show you how to plan and pay for your own funeral or cremation—and why it matters.

Obtenez votre Guide du connaisseur gratuit

Consultez notre Guide du connaisseur pour la planification des funérailles et de la crémation afin de connaitre toutes les informations dont vous avez besoin pour faire des choix éclairés à propos de la planification des arrangements funéraires pour vous ou une personne aimée.

Planning for your own funeral or cremation

It can be difficult to think about planning your own funeral or cremation, but the peace of mind for you and your family is worth it. When you plan ahead, you get to decide down to the smallest detail how you'd like your service, but most people have a lot of questions about prepaid funeral plans. We have answers.


Six mythes - et la vérité - à propos des plans funéraires prépayés

Vue rapprochée de fleurs pourpres poussant à l'extérieur.

Prepararse para la Muerte

Prepararse para la muerte puede ser difícil. Utilice nuestra lista de chequeo de planificación funeraria para ayudarle a planificar sus servicios por adelantado, poner sus asuntos financieros en orden y más.

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Plan a beautiful, personal remembrance

Each life is like no other. Particular passions, milestone moments and legacies created weave together to tell a story that is completely unique. The Insider’s Guide to Funeral & Cremation Planning will walk you through inspirational ideas and the simple steps to planning an unforgettable memorial of a loved one’s life—or your own when you plan in advance. Get started today.

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