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Recherche de travis hall
Gary Travis Hall
05-02-1953 – 13-04-2023
Gary Travis Hall, age 70, of Long Beach, California passed away on Thursday, April 13, 2023. There is no night without a dawning No winter without a spring And beyond the dark horizon Our hearts...
Travis Hall
04-08-1997 – 24-03-2022
Travis Hall, age 24, of Baltimore, Maryland passed away on Thursday, March 24, 2022. Travis was born August 4, 1997, the son of Douglas Hall, Jr. and his wife Brittany and Nicole Thomas (nee Vennie)...
Travis Lee Hall
30-09-1972 – 29-08-2021
Travis Lee Hall, age 48, of Hampton, Georgia passed away on Sunday, August 29, 2021. Travis was born September 30, 1972. He is survived by his daughter, Alexa Hall; and numerous family members and...
Travis Jeremy Hall
30-12-1987 – 29-12-2018
Travis Jeremy Hall, 30 of Rock Creek, WV was selfishly taken from us on December 29th, 2018. Travis was born on December 30th, 1987 at Mon General Hospital in Morgantown, WV. He was a 2006 graduate...
Travis "Terry" Glynn Hall
24-04-1956 – 24-11-2018
Travis “Terry” Glynn Hall, age 62, passed of natural causes on November 24, 2018, at his home in Odessa, Texas. Terry is survived by his daughter, Erin “Michelle” Hall, of Odessa, Texas; his son,...
Milton Travis Hall
26-01-1914 – 19-03-2013
HALL, MILTON TRAVIS age 99 passed away March 19, 2013. He was born to Fletcher and Nell Howard Hall in Gardendale and resided there at the time of death. Milton was a member of the Gardendale...
Jack Travis Hall
03-06-1915 – 17-05-2006
Lt. Col. Hall, Jack Travis, U.S. Army retired 1959 as Chief Logistic Support Division Army Medical Service School, Fort Sam Houston. Jack was born on June 3, 1915 in Dallas, Texas, died in San...