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Recherche de rebecca wells
Rebecca Sue Wells
21-12-1941 – 08-09-2023
Rebecca Sue “Becky” Wells, age 81, of Olympia, Washington passed away peacefully at home surrounded by her family and close friends on September 8, 2023. Becky was born on December 21, 1941, in...
Rebecca Wells Schubert
18-02-1945 – 15-06-2019
Rebecca Ann Wells Schubert, age 74, passed away Saturday, June 15, 2019. She was born in Spartanburg, South Carolina Sunday, February 18, 1945 and is preceded in death by her parents, John D. and...
Irene Rebecca (Wells) Pridgen
10-01-1919 – 09-04-2018
Irene Rebecca Wells Pridgen, age 99, of Shallotte, NC formerly of Supply and Wilmington, NC passed away on Monday, the ninth of April 2018 in Autumn Care of Shallotte. Born in Durham, NC on the tenth...
Rebecca Nabors Wells
24-01-1933 – 09-03-2014
Anniston - Funeral services for Mrs. Rebecca Virginia Nabors Wells, 81, of Anniston will be Thursday, March 13, 2014 at 11:00 a.m. at Chapel Hill Funeral Home with Rev. Rodney Clingan officiating...
Reba Wells
03-08-1923 – 06-05-2012
Reba Wells, 88, of Chester, AR, died Sunday, May 6, 2012 in Van Buren, AR. She was born August 3, 1923 in Rudy, AR. She was a homemaker, a member of Shamrock Community Church for over 60 years, a...