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Recherche de raymond hidalgo

Raymond Hidalgo

Raymond Hidalgo Jr.

06-06-1938 – 29-09-2022

We are heartbroken to announce the death of our father, Raymond Hidalgo, Jr. He passed away peacefully at the age of 84, with our mother at his side on Thursday, September 29, 2022. He was a native...

Michael Hidalgo

Michael Raymond Hidalgo

24-11-1950 – 21-01-2018

Michael Raymond Hidalgo 67 years old of Tucson, Arizona passed away January 21, 2018. Preceded in death by parents Johnny & Catherine Hidalgo. Leaves behind wife Lorraine Hidalgo, children Trevor...

Raymond Hidalgo

Raymond Rios Hidalgo

23-01-1934 – 20-06-2014

Burial arrangements under the direction of Greenwood Memorial Park.

Raymond Hidalgo

Raymond Rios Hidalgo

23-01-1934 – 20-06-2014

Huellas de Pisadas sobre la arena Una noche soñé que hiba caminando por la playa junto con Dios. Muchas escenas de mi vida resplandecieron ante mí, sobre el horizonte. En cada escena noté que había...

Raymond Hidalgo

Raymond C. Hidalgo

15-03-1941 – 20-07-2011

Raymond C. Hidalgo passed away on July 20, 2011 at the age of 70. He was born on March 15, 1941 in San Antonio, Texas to Ambrosio and Apolinar Carranza Hidalgo. Preceded in death by his parents and...