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Recherche de paul hoffmann
Paul Fritz Hoffmann
20-03-1930 – 10-10-2022
Paul F, Hoffmann of New Braunfels, Texas went to join our Heavenly Father on October 10, 2022, at the age of 92. Paul was the son of a German immigrant father and a native Texan mother, Fritz and...
Paul Raymond Hoffmann
28-09-1929 – 05-10-2022
Paul Raymond Hoffmann passed away October 5, 2022. He was born September 28, 1929 in Austin, Minnesota. Mr. Hoffmann proudly served his country in the U. S. Marine Corp. He began his work...
Paul G. Hoffmann
29-01-1937 – 01-12-2019
Paul G. Hoffmann, 82, of Wilmette, December 1, 2019. Husband of the late Lynda Hoffmann, nee Anderson. Loving father of Paul M. Hoffmann. Brother of Hildy Navratil. Memorial Service 11:00 am...
Paula F. Hoffmann
26-12-1946 – 20-11-2018
Paula Fay Keene Hoffmann, 71, of Overland Park, Kansas passed away November 20, 2018. Paula was born on December 26th 1946 to Willis Dee Keene & Ruby Jean Smith, she was the oldest child of 10...