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Recherche de michelle nguyen
Michelle Mai Nguyen
12-03-1967 – 13-01-2024
Michelle Mai Nguyen, age 56 passed away on Saturday, January 13, 2024. A witness cremation for Michelle will be held Sunday, January 28, 2024 from 11:30 AM to 12:00 PM at Oak Hill Funeral Home &...
Michelle Nguyen
18-11-1958 – 30-07-2022
Michelle Nguyen, age 63, of Fountain Valley, California passed away on Saturday, July 30, 2022. Michelle was born November 18, 1958. A viewing - vieng tham for Michelle will be held Saturday,...
Nguyen Thi Bich-Nga (Michelle)
15-07-1970 – 31-10-2021
CÁO PHÓ Gia đình chúng tôi vô cùng đau buồn báo tin cùng thân bằng, quyến thuộc, bạn hữu gần xa Con, Vợ, Mẹ, Em, Chị của chúng tôi là: NGUYỄN THỊ BÍCH NGÀ (MICHELLE NGUYEN) Pháp Danh: Nhật...
Michelle Hai Nguyen
15-05-1942 – 17-09-2021
We are all gathered in the memory of our mother-Me’, grandmother & great grandmother-Ba, Michell Hai Nguyen. Together, we are acknowledging the gifts and the impact her life has made on every one of...
Michelle Thuvan Nguyen
22-09-1950 – 02-01-2018
CÁO PHÓ Gia đình chúng tôi vô cùng đau đớn báo tin cùng thân bằng, quyến thuộc Con, Cháu, Em, Mẹ, Chị của chúng tôi là: Nguyễn Thị Thu Vân (Michelle) Pháp Danh: Huệ Tấn Sinh ngày 22 tháng 9 năm 1949...
Michelle Nhan Nguyen
03-05-1972 – 16-03-2017
Arrangements under the direction of Peek Family Colonial Funeral Home, Westminster, CA.
Michelle Huong Nguyen
29-12-1964 – 06-02-2014
Arrangements under the direction of Peek Family Colonial Funeral Home, Westminster, CA.