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Recherche de michael chaffin
Justin Michael Chaffin
21-02-1984 – 06-03-2019
Justin Michael Chaffin passed away on March 6, 2019. He was born on February 21, 1984, in Charlotte, North Carolina. Justin is predeceased by his maternal grandmother, Joan Cuthbertson Bagley;...
Michael L. Chaffin
08-09-1952 – 15-06-2016
Michael Lee Chaffin “Mike”, 63 of Martinsburg, passed away June 15, 2016. Mike was born on September 8, 1952 in Ashland, KY to the late Eldon and Hazel (Allen) Chaffin. He graduated from Boyd...
Michael W. Chaffin
31-07-1962 – 23-05-2015
Michael William Chaffin, 52, of Fayetteville, passed away Saturday May 23, 2015. Born July 31, 1962 in the town of Dakota, West Virginia, he was the son of Thelma Phillips of Oak Hill, WV. Mike,...
Robert Michael Chaffin
12-05-1959 – 16-03-2014
Robert Michael Chaffin, age 54, passed away March 16, 2014. He was born on May 12, 1959 in San Antonio, Texas. He served in the U.S. Army (6 years) and then retired from the U.S. Air Force after 20...