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Recherche de lupe rodriguez
Lupe L. Rodriguez
06-06-1936 – 20-10-2024
Lupe L. Rodriguez, 88, de Delano, California falleció el octubre 20, 2024. Lupe dejó su hijo Fernando Rodriguez (Reyna Reyes); su hija Elizabeth Beath; su hijo Adrian Rodriguez (Sylvia Rodriguez);...
Lupe Rodriguez Reyes
06-06-1936 – 27-11-2022
les détails reliés à la sépulture
Lupe Rodriguez Reyes, age 86 passed away on Sunday, November 27, 2022. Lupe was born in Texas. A visitation in chapel for Lupe will be held Wednesday, December 14, 2022 from 1:00 PM to 2:00 PM at...
Guadalupe "Lupe" Rodriguez
19-11-1912 – 05-11-2022
Michelangelo said: “If we have been pleased with life, we should not be displeased with death, since it comes from the hand of the same master.” If Michelangelo was correct, then, indeed, our MaMa,...
Lupe Castaneda Rodriguez
01-08-1944 – 19-05-2022
Lupe Castaneda Rodriguez, age 77, of Spring, Texas was taken home to the kingdom of heaven on Thursday, May 19, 2022 surrounded by her loved ones. Lupe was born August 1, 1944 in Mercedes, Texas to...
Lupe S. Rodriguez
05-09-1930 – 18-02-2022
Lupe S. Rodriguez, matriarch of the Joe L Rodriguez Family, was promoted to glory on Friday, February 18, 2022 surrounded by her family. She leaves behind a loving family who are grieving the loss of...
Lupe S. Rodriguez
19-06-1937 – 15-10-2021
Lupe Rodriguez, 84, passed away on October 15, 2021 at home. She was the widower of Mike Rodriguez Sr. They shared 30 years of marriage. She was born in San Antonio, Texas. She was the daughter of...
Maria Guadalupe Rodriguez (Lupe)
08-08-1961 – 24-07-2021
Maria Guadalupe Rodriguez, age 59, of Santa Ana, California passed away on Saturday, July 24, 2021. Maria was born August 8, 1961. A visitation for Maria will be held Friday, August 20, 2021 from...
Lorenza "Lupe" Rodriguez Wilson
17-08-1951 – 03-04-2021
Lorenza (Lupe) Rodriguez Wilson was born August 17, 1951 in Durango, Mexico. She was the daughter to single mother, Teresa Morales and was raised by her grandparents, Julia Morales and Juan Montiel...
Lupe Ramos Rodriguez
15-04-1938 – 18-02-2020
Lupe Ramos Rodriguez, 81, of Abilene, passed away peacefully on Tuesday, February 18, 2020 surrounded by her family. Funeral Services will be held Friday, February 21, 2020 at 11:00 AM in the...