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Recherche de louise clark
Louise Paitson Clark
21-10-1927 – 19-12-2024
Louise Paitson Clark, 97, died December 19, 2024. She was born in Terre Haute on October 21, 1927 to Winifred Johnston Paitson and Edward Paitson, Jr. She was preceded in death by her parents, two...
Sandra Lou Clark
22-04-1942 – 28-11-2024
Sandra Lou Dean Clark departed this earthly home, after a time of declining health, to go to her eternal home in Glory, on Thursday, November 28, 2024. She passed peacefully in her home, in...
Dorothy Louise Clark
03-07-1939 – 07-11-2024
Dorothy Louise Clark, age 85, of Lenoir, North Carolina passed away on Thursday, November 7, 2024.
Orelie Louise Clark
07-02-1935 – 09-09-2024
Orelie was born, raised and married in Bakersfield and passed away in McKinleyville, CA. She attended Standard School, Bakersfield High School, Bakersfield College and San Jose State University....
Susan Louise Clark
04-03-1950 – 08-09-2024
Susan Louise Clark, age 74, of Auburn Hills, Michigan passed away on Sunday, September 8, 2024. Susan was born in Kalamazoo, MI to Frederick and Mary Green. She graduated from Parchment High School...
Mary Lou Clark
07-03-1955 – 02-09-2024
Mary Lou Clark 69, of Odessa, Texas passed away peacefully Monday, September 2, 2024, at Medical Center Hospital. Mary Lou Clark was born on March 7, 1955, at Medical Center Hospital to William and...
Ellen "Bitsy" Louise Clark
05-02-1949 – 19-07-2024
Ellen "Bitsy" Louise Clark, 75, of Largo, Florida, passed away peacefully on July 19, 2024. Ellen is survived by her loving husband Charles Clark; daughters Carla Arrendale (Chad), Angela Snowden...
Mildred Louise Clark
18-01-1936 – 18-07-2024
Mildred Louise Clark, age 88, of Cathedral City, California passed away on Thursday, July 18, 2024. Mildred was born in TX.
Patricia Ann Louise Clark
26-02-1934 – 20-05-2024
On May 20th, 2024, Patricia Ann Louise Clark (b. February 26th, 1934) passed at the age of 90. Born in Ottumwa, Iowa, Patricia married Eugene Clark (1934-2015) in 1951. They eventually moved their...
Mary Louise Clark
24-07-1941 – 13-04-2024
Mary Louise Clark Mary Louise Clark, 82, of Rogers, Arkansas, passed away Saturday, April 13, 2024. She was born July 24, 1941 in Coalgate, Oklahoma to the late Lewis & Geneva (Cecil) Liedtke. ...