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Recherche de lisa rowland
Lisa Palmer Rowland
25-11-1963 – 08-01-2023
Lisa Palmer Rowland, 59 formerly of Macon, Georgia, passed away Sunday, January 8, 2023. Lisa was born in Macon on November 25, 1963 and grew up on Tybee Island, Georgia, before moving back to Macon...
Lisa Michelle Rowland
30-10-1959 – 11-01-2023
Lisa M (Ackerman) Rowland was born on October 30, 1959. She was born in Richfield, Minnesota and later moved to Colorado with her family. She attended elementary school in Broomfield, Colorado and...
Lisa Rowland
08-09-1960 – 18-09-2021
Lisa Ann Rowland, September 8, 1960-September 18, 2021, 61, of Waxhaw NC passed away peacefully at White Oak of Waxhaw. Lisa is proceeded in death by father, Bobby Rudolph Rowland (2003), mother,...