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Recherche de lillian roman
Lillian C. Roman
09-02-1932 – 12-04-2023
Lillian C. Roman passed away Wednesday morning, April 12, 2023 in The Woodlands, Texas. She was born February 9, 1932 in Detroit, Michigan and was 91 years of age. Services are being planned for a...
Ruth Lillian Roman
01-12-1920 – 04-09-2017
Ruth L. Roman, 96, entered into rest on Monday, September 4, at her residence in Lynn. Ruth was born in Lynn, MA in 1920, a daughter of the late Joseph and Gertrude Roman. She was the loving wife...
Lillian Mary Roman
02-10-1925 – 22-03-2012
Burial arrangements under the direction of Forest Park Lawndale.
Lillian Mary Roman
02-10-1925 – 22-03-2012
Lillian Mary Roman, born October 2, 1925, was called to the Lord peacefully on March 22, 2012 at the age of 86. She lived a long full life with her sweetheart Raymond Roman whom she married in 1947...