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Recherche de kathleen bachman
Kathy Bachman Ford
04-02-1959 – 29-04-2021
Kathy Bachman Ford, 62, of West Columbia passed away on Thursday, April 29, 2021. She was born in West Columbia to the late Ted E. Bachman and Joyce Ann Wise Bachman. She is survived by her husband,...
Kathleen Bernice Bachman
15-07-1954 – 09-04-2020
Kathleen "Katie" B. Bachman, age 65 of Westland, passed away on Thursday, April 9, 2020. Katie is survived by her siblings: Susan (Douglas) McKechnie, Peter (Joyce) Bachman, Fritz (Suzanne) Bachman;...
Kathleen Bachman
18-03-1948 – 11-08-2019
Kathleen P. Bachman of Washingtonville, NY, passed away on Sunday, August 11, 2019. She was 71 years old. Kathleen was born on March 18, 1948 to the late James and Ellen (Scollin) Costello in New...
Kathleen Bachman
15-10-1953 – 14-04-2011
Mrs. Kathleen Smart Bachman Kathleen Smart Bachman, of Charlotte, known to her family as Kathy, my Kate, Katie and Mom, passed peacefully early morning on Thursday, APR 14, 2011. Her long battle...