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Recherche de frances harding

Francis Parker

Francis Harding Parker

08-12-1941 – 29-03-2022

Westbrook, ME- Francis (Frank) Harding Parker, 80, of Stroudwater Lodge in Westbrook, passed away on March 29, 2022 at The Cedars Short Term Rehabilitation Center in Portland after declining health...

Clara Dent Harding

Clara Frances Dent Harding

21-03-1917 – 08-11-2019

Clara Frances (CF) Dent Harding, 102, died November 8, 2019, in the Belhaven house she had designed and built 65 years ago. Born to Eugene and Frances Hollingsworth Dent in March 1917, CF grew up...

Russell Harding

Russell Francis Harding

15-03-1927 – 10-02-2016

Russell Francis Harding Died February 10, 2016 at Franciscan Hospice House in University Place, Washington. He was 88. He had been in hospice care for the past 2 months. Russell (Russ) was an active...

Francis Harding

Francis McNeal Harding

06-07-1927 – 08-12-2015

Francis McNeal Harding, 88 Francis McNeal Harding, aged 88, died unexpectedly on September 8, 2015 at his home in Chevy Chase Maryland. His wife, Marie, passed away 8 months earlier and after 70...

Warren Harding

Warren Francis Harding

05-05-1922 – 02-11-2014

Warren Francis Harding, 92, of Cumru Twp., passed away on Sunday, November 2, 2014 in St. Joseph Medical Center. He was engaged to the love of his life, Mary Bitting. Born in Reading on May 5, 1922,...

Frances Harding

Frances Kathleen Harding

22-05-1921 – 04-09-2011

Arrangements under the direction of Funeraria Del Angel Harding-Orr, El Paso, TX.