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Recherche de carolyn heller
Carol Ann Heller
14-10-1948 – 08-09-2024
Carol Ann Heller, age 75, of Peoria, Illinois passed away on Sunday, September 8, 2024. Carol was born in Peoria, IL.
Carol Kritzer Heller
05-06-1927 – 31-08-2023
Carol Kritzer Heller, age 96, of Costa Mesa, California passed away on Thursday, August 31, 2023. Carol was born in New York. A chapel service for Carol will be held Tuesday, September 5, 2023 at...
Carol "Ann" Heller
01-02-1936 – 10-04-2022
Carol Ann Heller, born February 1, 1936, died on April 10, 2022, at the young and feisty age of 86 at Hospice of Dayton. Ann to friends and Annie to family was born in Middletown, Ohio and attended...
Ruth Carolyn Heller
13-09-1919 – 23-03-2018
RUTH CAROLYN DEY KEAS HELLER BORN SEPTEMBER 13, 1919 DIED MARCH 23, 2018 Ruth was born on September 13, 1919 in White Lake, South Dakota. She was the seventh child born to William and Cecilia...
Carolyn J. Heller
09-06-1932 – 17-02-2011
Carolyn J. Heller Born into Eternal Life on February 17, 2011. Age 78. Beloved wife of John for 53 years. Dear mother of Lisa (John) Wittmann and Terri (Damon) Talerico. Proud grandma of Ryan...