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Recherche de alice thomson

Affichage de 4 sur 4 avis décès TRIÉ PAR PLUS RÉCENT
Dawn Thomson

Dawn Alice Thomson

30-04-1946 – 15-02-2020

Dawn Apostolu Thomson, age 73, passed away quietly on the morning of February 15, 2020. She was preceded in death by her husband Bruce (10/2/38 - 9/23/16). She is survived by her sister, Rose...

Alice Thomson

Alice Levina Boggs Thomson

26-01-1933 – 30-09-2015

It is with sad hearts that we announce the passing of Alice Thomson (nee Boggs), beloved mother and grandmother at the age of 82 in Edmonton, Alberta on September 30, 2015. Alice is survived by her...

Alice Thomson

Alice Lemke Thomson

25-11-1919 – 06-07-2014

Alice Elizabeth Lemke Thomson, age 94, of rural Claremont, IL passed from this life to the next on Sunday, July 6, 2014 at Burgin Manor, Olney, IL. Alice was born on November 25, 1919 in Des Plains,...

Alice Thomson

Alice Rose Thomson

31-12-1969 – 31-12-1969

Alice Rose Thomson, Alice was born on the Grand Concourse in the Bronx, NY on February 3, 1925 to Lucy Farina and Nate Zuckerberg. Her brother, Robert, was born thirteen years later at about the...