Funeral Traditions

Including religious and cultural traditions in funeral and memorial services is a significant and special way to honor a loved one’s legacy. Whether you’re observing Catholic tradition, incorporating Hindu customs, following Jewish practices or weaving other religious or cultural aspects into a service, we’re here to help.

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Religious funeral customs

Familiar religious customs can provide comfort and solace to the grieving family and friends. Different faith traditions have different customs, but rituals often include prayers, hymns and scripture readings that help to honor a loved one and give a sense of closure.

Asian funeral traditions

Funeral and burial traditions vary widely among Chinese, Indian, Filipino, Vietnamese, Korean and Japanese families. In some, a funeral may include a procession, with mourners wearing white or black clothing. Others might celebrate and remember at the cemetery each spring.

Jewish funeral traditions

Jewish funeral traditions are deeply rooted in the belief that death is a natural part of the cycle of life and that a loved one’s soul continues to live on. A funeral typically takes place as soon as possible after death, and a family sits shiva for seven days.

Hispanic funeral traditions

Hispanic families are known for being close knit and emphasizing the importance of family ties. When Hispanic families come together to celebrate the life of a loved one who has died, the service often includes traditional music, prayers and a shared meal.

Imaginez la planification funéraire d’une façon différente

Des funérailles ou un service commémoratif devraient être une célébration unique. Chacun à sa propre histoire. Comment voulez-vous raconter la vôtre? Imaginez est un livre rempli d'idées pour créer un bel hommage inoubliable pour vous ou une personne aimée. Téléchargez Imaginez pour commencer à planifier un hommage inoubliable dès aujourd'hui.

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