Avis de décès

Robert "Sandy" Lesberg

7 mai 192525 août 2022
Nécrologie de Robert "Sandy" Lesberg
Sandy Lesberg died on Aug. 25, 2022, at the age of 97. He broadcast for over 20 years on WOR in New York, conducting celebrity interviews, reviewing restaurants, theatre, films, ballet, and music, and covering international and diplomatic affairs. Author of over 40 books, including 20 cookbooks, Sandy wrote stories often inspired by his experiences in Europe and Africa. His eclectic interests led to the creation of such international endeavors as Peebles Press book publishers of New York and London; The Master Chefs Institute, an international association of leading chefs and restaurateurs; the Center for World Hunger Control, a Paris-based NGO affiliated with UNICEF; and the ongoing International Chocolate Festival held in Obidos, Portugal. He will be remembered for his boundless creativity, zest for life, and constant search for “the next project.”

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