
  • Espace pour événement adaptable
    L’établissement est disponible pour vos événements personnels
  • Section de cimetière dédiée aux vétérans
  • Rénové dernièrement
  • Chapelle à espace adaptable
    Notre chapelle peut être utilisée pour vos événements religieux
  • Vue sur la montagne
  • Piano/orgue sur place
  • Espace pour événement adaptable
    L’établissement est disponible pour vos événements personnels
  • Rénové dernièrement
  • Section de cimetière dédiée aux vétérans
  • Chapelle à espace adaptable
    Notre chapelle peut être utilisée pour vos événements religieux
  • Vue sur la montagne
  • Multiples chapelles
  • Chapelle de grande capacité (250)
  • Espaces de cimetière disponibles
  • Monuments et marqueurs personnalisés
  • Caveaux familiaux
    Les caveaux familiaux sont des hommages distingués à un héritage familial. Ils peuvent être personnalisés avec du verre teint, des bancs et des aménagements paysagers
  • Marqueurs au sol
    Marqueur au niveau du sol dans le matériau de votre choix
  • Monuments en hauteur
    Monuments traditionnels
  • Mausolées
    Espaces privés ou communautaires pour les urnes ainsi que les cercueils, qui peuvent être intérieurs ou extérieurs
  • Espace café
  • Cimetière sur place
  • Événements avec traiteur
  • Salle de réception de grande capacité
  • Planification d'événements
    Services disponibles pour soutenir la planification d'événements
  • Célébrations à l'extérieur
    Options pour célébrations personnalisées extérieures dans les jardins de notre propriété
  • Arrangements par téléphone ou par courriel
    Planification funéraire complète sans visite à la maison funéraire
  • Production d'un vidéo hommage
    Services disponibles pour créer un hommage vidéo pour le service ou un montage à partir de photos et de vidéos
  • Équipement audio et vidéo
  • Escorte de police disponible
  • Livraison de fleurs au cimetière
  • Funérailles multiculturelles
  • Section de cimetière musulmane
  • Bijoux de commémoration de crémation
  • Jardin de dispersion pour les cendres
  • Pièce permettant de voir la crémation
  • Options de cimetière après crémation
  • Niches pour cendres
  • Livraison des cendres à la maison
  • Livraison des cendres par la poste
    Sent through postal mail service, signature required. Expect delays in Canada due to Covid-19 restrictions on mail requiring a signature.
  • Aide pour la dispersion
  • Jardins de crémation
  • Spanish/Español

Découvrez notre cimetière

Les cimetières rendent hommage aux personnes aimées et offrent aux générations futures un lieu de commémoration et de recueillement. Le choix d'un cimetière est une étape importante pour rendre hommage à des vies spéciales et créer un héritage durable.


À propos 

Olinger Funeral, Cremation & Cemetery - Highland have served the Thornton, Colorado, community and Greater Denver area since 1965 and 1952, respectively. Located on Grant Street, the funeral home and cemetery offer a range of services to families from all cultural and religious backgrounds.

A spacious Denver funeral home

Heritage Hall | Chapel at Olinger Funeral, Cremation & Cemetery - HighlandThe main chapel at Olinger Funeral & Cremation - Highland seats 175 guests. The spacious Long’s Peak reception room offers a place to gather after a service and enjoy a meal provided by the funeral home's exclusive caterer. Additionally, there are five visitation rooms and five funeral arrangement rooms. The facility was recently updated to include more modern features.

Award-winning funeral home service

Olinger Funeral & Cremation - Highland is a proud member of the National Funeral Directors Association (NFDA)and the Colorado Funeral Directors Association (CFDA). Our funeral home team has been awarded the Pursuit of Excellence Award, an NFDA recognition for our outstanding community service, professional integrity and high ethical standards. Criteria for the award include compliance with state and federal regulations, continuing education and staff development, family outreach and support, and professional association service and participation.

The Thornton Police Department has also recognized Olinger Funeral & Cremation - Highland for commitment to the community. In 2017, the police department awarded us an American flag that was “tapped” at the World Trade Center in New York City.

Professionals with heart

Heritage Hall | Premium reception venue at Olinger Funeral, Cremation & Cemetery - HighlandThe funeral directors at Olinger Funeral & Cremation - Highland have more than 90 combined years of professional experience in the funeral industry. As a result, we are prepared to serve you and your family during your time of need. We are also available to assist with planning a funeral ahead of time.

Our experience, knowledge and state-of-the-art technology give us the ability to meet almost any need you may have. Please call us when you need us.

Olinger Cemetery - Highland

Olinger Cemetery - Highland offers expertly manicured, well-maintained grounds with breathtaking views of the Rocky Mountains. The 40-acre cemetery in Thornton is a preferred final resting place in the Greater Denver Metropolitan area. We meet your needs with a variety of burial options, such as flush-to-ground memorials, upright monuments, a mausoleum, memorial and cremation benches, private gated estates, a cremation garden and much more.

Beautiful cemetery with mountain views

Cemetery grounds at Olinger Funeral, Cremation & Cemetery - HighlandThe picturesque, well-kept Olinger Cemetery - Highland covers approximately 40 acres and is located on what was once farmland. Offering views of Colorado’s majestic Rocky Mountains to the west, the cemetery includes the Garden of Tranquility, which is a featured garden with areas designated for cremation, family estates, bench estates, gated estates and private estates. Complete with flowering plants and serene waterfall areas, the cemetery is a peaceful final resting place and a serene place to remember and honor your loved one. 

Many gardens for reflection

Cremation garden at Olinger Funeral, Cremation & Cemetery - HighlandGarden of Tranquility is a beautiful garden that includes areas for cremation, family estates, bench and gated estates, and private estates. With a water feature and a gazebo, the cremation garden is a calming place of reflection.

New Tranquility Mausoleum

Tranquility Mausoleum at Olinger Funeral, Cremation & Cemetery - HighlandAsk us about honoring your loved one in our Tranquility Mausoleum, located in the southwest area of the cemetery, near the Tranquility Cremation Garden, and amplified by our glorious mountain views. This community garden mausoleum of polished red and Rosa Porrino granite composition houses over 350 casket spaces at prayer, heart or heaven levels. We have many options still available, including tandem, couch and single crypts, each featuring a beautiful, bronze memorial plaque. 

Please visit us

Photos convey a lot, but we invite you to see our cemetery property for yourself. You are welcome to visit anytime or call us to schedule a guided tour.

WHV 2020 - Level 3We honor veterans

At , we understand the unique needs of America’s veterans and their families. As a Level Three Founding Community Partner with We Honor Veterans, our staff is knowledgeable in the benefits available to veterans and their families. In addition to hosting an annual Memorial Day service honoring veterans, we work with local organizations to host special veterans events throughout the year. We are proud to honor members of each branch of the military. With respect, integrity and dignity, we will walk you through the steps of creating a veteran's memorial service that truly honors the life and sacrifice of your loved one. 

Homeless Veterans Burial Program

Cemetery grounds at Olinger Funeral, Cremation & Cemetery - HighlandOlinger Funeral, Cremation & Cemetery - Highland participate in the Homeless Veterans Burial Program. Founded on the belief that every veteran deserves a dignified and honorable burial, the Dignity Memorial Homeless Veterans Burial Program is a cooperative effort with the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, the Veterans of Foreign Wars, local medical examiners, coroners, veterans advocates and veterans organizations. Through the Homeless Veterans Burial Program, homeless and indigent veterans are identified and provided proper military burials.


Established in 1952 on former farmland that was owned by the Green family, Olinger Cemetery - Highland has served families in the Greater Denver area for more than half a century. The property covers nearly 40 acres in Thornton and was initially used only as a cemetery. That changed in 1965 when Olinger Funeral & Cremation - Highland was added to meet the needs of the growing community.

New construction, renovations

Reception room at Olinger Highland Mortuary & CemeteryThe 18,000-square-foot building that houses Olinger Funeral & Cremation main chapel was built in 1995. It was recently renovated for a fresh, modern look. The updated building offers most everything you could need or desire during your time at Olinger Funeral & Cremation - Highland, including a reception room for catered gatherings before or after a memorial service.

Olinger Funeral & Cremation and Olinger Cemetery are both members of the Dignity Memorial® network, North America's largest group of funeral, cremation and cemetery service providers.

Please visit our Denver Funeral Home Brand Family Page to get information on all the locations associated within the Denver region.

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