
  • Espace pour événement adaptable
    L’établissement est disponible pour vos événements personnels
  • Centre célébration d'une vie
    L'établissement est conçu pour les célébrations funéraires personnalisées
  • Section de cimetière dédiée aux vétérans
  • Rénové dernièrement
  • Vue sur la montagne
  • Piano/orgue sur place
  • Espace pour événement adaptable
    L’établissement est disponible pour vos événements personnels
  • Centre célébration d'une vie
    L'établissement est conçu pour les célébrations funéraires personnalisées
  • Rénové dernièrement
  • Section de cimetière dédiée aux vétérans
  • Vue sur la montagne
  • Pavillon extérieur
  • Vue sur l'eau
  • Chapelle de grande capacité (250)
  • Espaces de cimetière disponibles
  • Monuments et marqueurs personnalisés
  • Caveaux familiaux
    Les caveaux familiaux sont des hommages distingués à un héritage familial. Ils peuvent être personnalisés avec du verre teint, des bancs et des aménagements paysagers
  • Marqueurs au sol
    Marqueur au niveau du sol dans le matériau de votre choix
  • Monuments en hauteur
    Monuments traditionnels
  • Mausolées
    Espaces privés ou communautaires pour les urnes ainsi que les cercueils, qui peuvent être intérieurs ou extérieurs
  • Espace café
  • Cimetière sur place
  • Événements avec traiteur
  • Salle de réception de grande capacité
  • Planification d'événements
    Services disponibles pour soutenir la planification d'événements
  • Célébrations à l'extérieur
    Options pour célébrations personnalisées extérieures dans les jardins de notre propriété
  • Arrangements par téléphone ou par courriel
    Planification funéraire complète sans visite à la maison funéraire
  • Production d'un vidéo hommage
    Services disponibles pour créer un hommage vidéo pour le service ou un montage à partir de photos et de vidéos
  • Équipement audio et vidéo
  • Musique en direct disponible
  • Sélections musicales populaires
  • Salle de réception intime
  • Espace pour rencontre
  • Dévoilement du monument
  • Expositions de nuit
  • Expositions à domicile
  • Livraison de fleurs au cimetière
  • Funérailles multiculturelles
  • Design feng-shui
  • Section de cimetière musulmane
  • Section de cimetière juive
  • Utilisation d'encens
  • Toilette rituelle
  • Bijoux de commémoration de crémation
  • Crématorium sur place
  • Pièce permettant de voir la crémation
  • Options de cimetière après crémation
  • Niches pour cendres
  • Livraison des cendres à la maison
  • Livraison des cendres par la poste
    Sent through postal mail service, signature required. Expect delays in Canada due to Covid-19 restrictions on mail requiring a signature.
  • Aide pour la dispersion
  • Jardins de crémation

Découvrez notre cimetière

Les cimetières rendent hommage aux personnes aimées et offrent aux générations futures un lieu de commémoration et de recueillement. Le choix d'un cimetière est une étape importante pour rendre hommage à des vies spéciales et créer un héritage durable.


À propos 

Victory Memorial Park Funeral Centre is a caring and compassionate provider of funeral, memorial and cremation services for Surrey and the Lower Mainland area. The funeral home is located in a picturesque seaside community, and we're proud to serve our neighbours in White Rock, Surrey, South Surrey, Langley, Delta and other parts of British Columbia. The funeral home sits on the grounds of Victory Memorial Park cemetery.

Communities served in Surrey

  • Aldergrove
  • Cloverdale
  • Delta
  • Ladner
  • Langley
  • South Surrey
  • Tsawwassen
  • White Rock

A funeral home for all

Chapel at Victory Memorial Park Funeral CentreVictory Memorial Park Funeral Centre has several elegant reception rooms. These facilities are comfortable spaces for families to hold funeral services for their loved ones. The reception rooms are also regularly used for events like family reunions, weddings and anniversary parties.

The funeral home chapel seats 300 people. The non-denominational chapel serves people of all faiths and is equipped with multimedia equipment, including 3 televisions to show a memorial slideshow—which we are happy to help you create

Our funeral home is equipped to coordinate services that honour the customs and traditions of all cultures and religions. Members of our staff speak Cantonese and Mandarin, and they have a great deal of experience with the Asian, Hindu and Sikh communities.

Let's celebrate life

Service room at Victory Memorial Park Funeral CentreVictory Memorial Park Funeral Centre offers many ways to honour a life, from traditional to contemporary. We believe every person is different, and our mission is to pay tribute to each unique life with a unique funeral service. We love to help families plan modern events that deeply embody the passions of the person being honoured. Our professional celebrants specialize in planning celebrations of life and work with your family to discover the details that make a memorial memorable.

A celebration of life can take many forms and include only small touches, such as photos and mementos, or become an extravagant affair. Our celebrants work to make sure your loved one's personality shines. Imagine a winter wonderland for your cold-weather lover or a luau for someone who was obsessed with Hawaii. From a dove release to cupcake bar, a hockey-themed memorial to a fireworks show, we take the things that mattered most to someone and create a celebration to remember.

Cremation services

We specialize in cremation services that honor loved ones in personalized ways, and families love our transparent pricing. With expertise in scattering ashes and a friendly team who pays attention to every detail, we provide service that is second to none.

More and more people are choosing cremation over traditional burial, but most aren’t familiar with the many options:

  • a cremation without a funeral or memorial service of any kind.
  • a funeral with your loved one present, followed by cremation.
  • a cremation followed by a scattering, cemetery memorialization or celebration of life—or all three.

For those who wish for a more momentous memorial, Neptune Memorial Reef is an underwater cremation garden off the coast of Florida. A Celestis Memorial Spaceflight takes ashes into space for a little while or forever.

There are many options for cremation—and they're not all equal. Here's what you can expect when you choose us for your loved one's cremation:

  • Custody of care guaranteed. Our custody-of-care program helps safeguard the identification of your loved one from the time we bring them into our care until the time we return them to your family. We check, cross-check and check again, every step of the way.
  • Exclusive custody of your loved one. We operate a private, on-site crematory and work with trusted partners. Once your loved one is in our custody or that of a trusted partner, they’re in our care until they’re returned to your family.
  • Licensed, certified, conscientious staff. All Dignity Memorial crematory operators are licensed and certified by Cremation Association of North America, or CANA. Only one person at a time is cremated, and the cremation chamber is thoroughly cleaned before the next person is cremated.

Read more about our cremation services.

On-site crematorium

Victory Memorial Park Funeral Centre has provided cremation services since opening its crematory in 1972. The on-site crematorium makes planning a cremation a simpler process and ensures your loved one never leaves our care.

You can choose to hold a cremation before or after a funeral or memorial service—or you can opt for no service at all. Some families want to watch the cremation, and we can accommodate that need as well.

You have many choices when it comes to cremation. Our team explains them all and answers your questions along the way.

Victory Memorial Park cemetery

Cemetery grounds at Victory Memorial Park Funeral CentreVictory Memorial Park in Surrey comprises 36 acres of park-like property with views of the Vancouver Coastal Mountains, mature trees and impeccable landscaping. All around our beautiful cemetery birds sing and water trickles. It truly is a peaceful and reflective place.

Many burial and cremation options

Cemetery grounds at Victory Memorial Park Funeral CentreWhat began as a veterans cemetery in the 1950s now serves the entire community, including Surrey's large and diverse Asian population. The memorial park offers a variety of burial options.

Memory Glen cremation garden has a meandering stream, large pond and lush foliage. Thousand Flower Ponds has a wall of cremation niches as well as in-ground cremation burial. The cemetery also offers mausoleum entombment, in-ground burial, private walled estates and hedge estates.

Asian cultural events

Each spring, we celebrate Ching Ming with families who have loved ones buried at Victory Memorial Park. The funeral home holds an open house, and families come to sweep their loved ones' graves. We also celebrate Chung Yeung in the fall.

Christmas candlelight service

In December, Victory Memorial Park and Victory Memorial Park Funeral Centre host a Christmas candlelight service to acknowledge the pain that can come during the holidays, even years after the death of a loved one. The event brings families together to light candles, enjoy sweet treats and enjoy the power of fellowship. We give commemorative Christmas ornaments to all the families we have served.


Signage at Victory Memorial ParkThe Veteran Memorial Trust Association opened what would become Victory Memorial Park in 1955 as Veterans Memorial Park. The 1st burial took place in March of 1959. Soon after, a 65-foot military cross was constructed; howitzer guns were placed on either side.

In the 1970s, the cemetery went from mainly a place for military members and their families to a public cemetery. The howitzer guns were donated to the City of White Rock and the Vancouver Armoury. Though Victory Memorial Park is no longer an exclusively veterans’ cemetery, we still honour the veterans buried here each Remembrance Day.

Victory Memorial Park now has sections designated for members of religious organizations such as Beth Tikvah Jewish Congregation (Richmond), St. Vartan’s Armenian Church, Canadian Hussaini Association, Aga Khan, Armenian Church and the British Columbia Muslim Association.

A on-site crematorium and cremation gardens

Cremation garden at Victory Memorial ParkIn 1972, a crematorium and funeral chapel were built on the cemetery grounds. In 1984, Victory Memorial Park opened its 1st cremation garden. Memory Glen is a tranquil space with a large pond. Our 2nd cremation garden is called Brookside.

Planifier une célébration de la vie

Nos planificateurs sont des experts en matière de célébration de la vie. Nous organisons chaque année plus de célébrations que n'importe quel autre fournisseur, et nous savons exactement ce qu'il faut faire pour créer un hommage d'une beauté et d'une sincérité uniques, avec un souci du détail sans égal.

Chaque famille qui nous confie les funérailles de la personne aimée peut s'attendre à ce que l'événement comprenne :
  • meaningful music celebration of life
  • cherished memories celebration of life
  • a personalized message celebration of life

Commencez à planifier une célébration de la vie dès aujourd’hui


Laissez-vous inspirer par nos offres

Lorsque vous organisez une célébration de la vie, votre imagination est la seule limite.


Plan a Simple Cremation

Simple can still mean exceptional. Let us show you how.


Exprimez votre sympathie avec des fleurs & des cadeaux


Voir les arrangements

Vintage photos scattered

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Vous ne trouvez pas ce que vous cherchez? Cherchez pour l'avis de décès de la personne aimée dans toutes nos succursales.

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