
  • Rénové dernièrement
  • Chapelle à espace adaptable
    Notre chapelle peut être utilisée pour vos événements religieux
  • Vue sur la montagne
  • Vue sur l'eau
  • Chapelle de grande capacité (250)
  • Piano/orgue sur place
  • Rénové dernièrement
  • Chapelle à espace adaptable
    Notre chapelle peut être utilisée pour vos événements religieux
  • Vue sur la montagne
  • Vue sur l'eau
  • Chapelle de grande capacité (250)
  • Espaces de cimetière disponibles
  • Monuments et marqueurs personnalisés
  • Caveaux familiaux
    Les caveaux familiaux sont des hommages distingués à un héritage familial. Ils peuvent être personnalisés avec du verre teint, des bancs et des aménagements paysagers
  • Marqueurs au sol
    Marqueur au niveau du sol dans le matériau de votre choix
  • Monuments en hauteur
    Monuments traditionnels
  • Mausolées
    Espaces privés ou communautaires pour les urnes ainsi que les cercueils, qui peuvent être intérieurs ou extérieurs
  • Espace café
  • Cimetière sur place
  • Événements avec traiteur
  • Salle de réception de grande capacité
  • Planification d'événements
    Services disponibles pour soutenir la planification d'événements
  • Célébrations à l'extérieur
    Options pour célébrations personnalisées extérieures dans les jardins de notre propriété
  • Arrangements par téléphone ou par courriel
    Planification funéraire complète sans visite à la maison funéraire
  • Production d'un vidéo hommage
    Services disponibles pour créer un hommage vidéo pour le service ou un montage à partir de photos et de vidéos
  • Équipement audio et vidéo
  • Musique en direct disponible
  • Funérailles multiculturelles
  • Design feng-shui
  • Utilisation d'encens
  • Bijoux de commémoration de crémation
  • Pièce permettant de voir la crémation
  • Options de cimetière après crémation
  • Niches pour cendres
  • Livraison des cendres par la poste
    Sent through postal mail service, signature required. Expect delays in Canada due to Covid-19 restrictions on mail requiring a signature.
  • Jardins de crémation
  • Spanish/Español

Découvrez notre cimetière

Les cimetières rendent hommage aux personnes aimées et offrent aux générations futures un lieu de commémoration et de recueillement. Le choix d'un cimetière est une étape importante pour rendre hommage à des vies spéciales et créer un héritage durable.


À propos 

Forest Lawn Funeral Home and Forest Lawn Memorial Park are located in Burnaby. The sister locations—a funeral home with an on-site crematorium and cemetery—make planning a funeral, cremation and burial convenient.

To reach the offices of Forest Lawn Memorial Park, please call 604-299-7711.

Personalized funerals

Reception area at Forest Lawn Funeral HomeThe Burnaby funeral home is known for tasteful, traditional funeral services for people from Vancouver, Richmond, New Westminster, Coquitlam, Port Coquitlam, Port Moody, the Tri-Cities area and the Lower Mainland. 

Forest Lawn Funeral Home focuses on ways to personalize even traditional funeral services. Personalization can take many forms. From something as simple as displaying a favorite hockey jersey in the chapel to a contemporary celebration of life with a blowout barbecue, we want to help you with a service as unique as your special someone.

On-site crematorium

West Coast Crematorium is the funeral home's on-site crematorium. Having a crematorium on the property means your loved one never leaves our care. Should your family or religious tradition call for a witness cremation, West Coast Crematorium can accommodate that. The funeral home can design a service before the cremation or after—or you can opt for no service at all. If you wish, cremated remains can be memorialized at Forest Lawn Memorial Park in a cremation garden, ossuary, cremation niche and otherwise.

Forest Lawn Funeral Home chapel

Chapel at Forest Lawn Funeral HomeLocated in an elegant building in the center of the cemetery midway down the hill, the brick chapel has a distinct spire and an attached concourse that provides coverage from the elements. Inside, the chapel is largely wood, including the pews and ceiling, with a number of skylights. It seats up to 225 people.

The left side of the non-denominational chapel showcases stained-glass artwork of geometric shapes. If you would like religious artifacts, let our staff know. We can provide Catholic crucifixes, Buddhist offering tables and more.

A lounge and patio right outside the chapel is ideal for a reception after a funeral or memorial.

A place for all people

Forest Lawn Funeral Home serves families of many cultures and religions. The funeral home team is well-versed in traditional funeral services for Catholics, Christians, Buddhists and Taoists, as well as non-denominational celebrations of life. We understand that each one of us is unique, with our own life story to tell. That’s why you can depend on Forest Lawn's professionals to capture a loved one's essence with a service that’s both a fitting reflection and a memorable tribute. If your family is from another country or geographic area, our team is experienced in arranging the forwarding and receiving of remains.

Forest Lawn Memorial Park

Cemetery grounds at Forest Lawn Memorial ParkThe cemetery accommodates a range of burial options, including in-ground burial and above-ground entombment. We are committed to the care and continued beautification of our property. We are also committed to offering affordable options for those who wish to take care of cemetery needs in advance, relieving their families of the emotional and financial burdens of planning a burial. We serve all people, regardless of ethnicity or faith background, and work closely with each family to find the memorial that best honours the life of your loved one, whether you choose traditional burial or 1 of our many cremation options.

Scenic cemetery grounds

Estate area at Forest Lawn Memorial ParkSituated on 118 acres, the landscaped property opened in 1936 as a garden that overlooked Vancouver and had a magnificent view of the mountains. The founder, Albert F. Arnold, called it “God’s Acres.” Initially equipped with its own greenhouses, the park today has more than a million plants and continues to offer a peaceful and comforting environment with scenic views, 3 mausoleums and both flush-to-the-ground and upright monuments.

The cemetery is home to the graves of 37 Commonwealth Service Personnel of World War II, and it has considerable room for those who wish to be buried here in the future.

Community involvement

Forest Lawn Funeral Home and Forest Lawn Memorial Park recognize their roles in making a positive contribution to Burnaby, Vancouver and the Lower Mainland.

To that end, we support A Loving Spoonful, an organization that delivers meals for people with HIV/AIDS; the Dry Grads program, which encourages high school students to celebrate their graduations without alcohol; the Vancouver Men's Chorus; McLaren Housing Society, dedicated to helping those with HIV and AIDS secure housing and fight housing discrimination; Cultch Theatre, also known as Vancouver East Cultural Center; the Fillmore Family Foundation; Dress for Success, which provides low-income women with business attire in order to obtain jobs; as well as other worthy causes.

Holiday events

Forest Lawn Funeral Home and Forest Lawn Memorial Park host several events during the year.

On Mother’s Day, we provide flowers to visitors and hold a light reception with snacks. We have hot dog vendors on Father’s Day and invited dads and their families for a smokie, Bavarian sausage or hot dog.

We work together with a sister location, Ocean View, on All Souls’ Day. We provide the chapel space for Catholics to gather for the blessing service and then go out to the cemetery afterward to bless the graves. We have multiple services, including one for the Croatian community.

We help the Chinese community celebrate Ching Ming, the traditional grave sweeping ceremony. We hold open houses the weeks before for people to discuss and determine options for their own burial arrangements.

On the 1st weekend in December, we hold a holiday memorial. People come to remember their loved ones with music and a candle-lighting ceremony. We invite people to write messages to their loved ones and place it on our holiday tree. The ceremony is non-denominational and everyone is welcome.

Contact us

Cemetery grounds at Forest Lawn Memorial ParkOur top-notch associates are caring and dedicated to providing exceptional service to every family who comes here. All of our services are designed to help families through one of the most personal and challenging stages of life. We understand losing a loved one is an emotional and difficult experience, and we are committed to you. Please call us when you need us—call 604-299-7720 for Forest Lawn Funeral Home and 604-299-7711 for Forest Lawn Memorial Park. 


Forest Lawn Funeral Home was established in 1965 as a pair of chapels before emerging as a prominent and well-respected funeral home at the center of Forest Lawn Memorial Park. The chapels, which sat on the southern slopes of the cemetery, were sophisticated modernist structures designed by renowned local architects McCarter & Nairne. The larger of the chapels remains on the property, attached to the current funeral home, which recently received a major renovation.

A modern funeral home

Forest Lawn Funeral Home was built in 1978. Through the years, the mortuary has grown to accommodate the needs of thousands of families who have called upon us for personalized care. In 2013, we added a reception facility with a patio.

A place of perpetual beauty

Estate area at Forest Lawn Memorial ParkForest Lawn Memorial Park cemetery was founded and designed by Albert F. Arnold, who wanted to design a memorial park that “would be a place of perpetual beauty and which would banish the ‘graveyard’ taint from such places forever.” A pioneer in his field, Albert became a consultant to memorial parks all over Canada and the United States, and many of his innovations became standard practice in North American cemeteries.

Planifier une célébration de la vie

Nos planificateurs sont des experts en matière de célébration de la vie. Nous organisons chaque année plus de célébrations que n'importe quel autre fournisseur, et nous savons exactement ce qu'il faut faire pour créer un hommage d'une beauté et d'une sincérité uniques, avec un souci du détail sans égal.

Chaque famille qui nous confie les funérailles de la personne aimée peut s'attendre à ce que l'événement comprenne :
  • meaningful music celebration of life
  • cherished memories celebration of life
  • a personalized message celebration of life

Commencez à planifier une célébration de la vie dès aujourd’hui


Laissez-vous inspirer par nos offres

Lorsque vous organisez une célébration de la vie, votre imagination est la seule limite.


Chaque détail compte

Explorez les lieux, la propriété de cimetière et de crémation, les options de traiteur personnalisées et notre collection d'urnes et de cercueils.



Display table with brass urn, pictures, flowers and glowing candle sitting on top of it at Pacific View
Les prix commencent à 350
casket spray icon


Guestbook sitting on a  podium inside the chapel.
Les prix commencent à 5 299

Plan a Simple Cremation

Simple can still mean exceptional. Let us show you how.


Exprimez votre sympathie avec des fleurs & des cadeaux


Voir les arrangements

Vintage photos scattered

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Vous ne trouvez pas ce que vous cherchez? Cherchez pour l'avis de décès de la personne aimée dans toutes nos succursales.

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