YARMOUTH, ME- Karen L. Niehoff lost her fight with cancer at home on June 7, 2020, surrounded by her family, love, music and shared memories. Predeceased by son Peter Niehoff, Karen is survived by husband Michael Niehoff, daughters Nicole and Emily Niehoff, grandsons Kahlil and Wyatt Kennedy, and sisters Gail Osborn (Philadelphia), Renee Murphy (Vorhees, NJ).
Graduating early (Frankford High, Philadelphia) and the first in her family to attend college, Karen obtained a double-degree in child development and early childhood education (Penn State). She became director/lead teacher at Lehigh Valley Hospital Child Development Center (Allentown, PA); founded the Yarmouth (Maine) Babysitting Co-op, and was a cherished Yarmouth Universalist Nursery School director/teacher.
Obtaining her master’s degree in counseling, Karen became a distinguished school counselor in York and Cape Elizabeth. A member of the MESCA board of directors and Maine State Bullying Prevention Task Force, Karen was a staunch advocate of student confidentiality and unwavering supporter of children throughout Maine. Karen is still lovingly recognized and remembered by former students.
Known for uniting people with her infectious laugh, humor, creativity, and hugs, Karen was supportive, generous, and always put others first. She was a life-long learner and born teacher.
Her many talents included accordion/ domra player (performing on the Mike Douglas show, Philadelphia Academy of Music, and Philadelphia Flower show with the Philadelphia Balalaika Orchestra), ROTC Sergeant/ bazooka shooter, Pack 97 “Popcorn-Kernel,” master home-cook, 5-time Tetris winner, explorer/human-GPS, seamstress, and devoted wife, mother and grandmom.
Due to pandemic restrictions, a private ceremony will be held at Riverside Cemetery on July 7, 2020, with a gathering at a later date.
In lieu of flowers, please send stories of Karen (big or small) to KarenNmemories@gmail.com.
Gifts supporting children’s cancer research may be made to the Jimmy Fund in memory of Karen (jimmyfund.org/give).