Mary is survived by her sister/brother in-law Sally and Robert Bruce of Burien, WA, her 5 children, and their families: Cathy and Jim Smith, of Zillah, Kelly and Mike Shields of Yakima, Robert Pierce of Naches, Kristy and Brady Willis of Selah, and Ryan and Megan Pierce of Allyn, WA. Mary was also blessed with 12 grandchildren and 6 great-grandchildren. Mary was preceded in death by her mother Mary B McCormack, her brother Robert McCormack, her sister Eva Cook and her granddaughter, Danielle Smith.Mary is survived by her sister/brother in-law Sally and Robert Bruce of Burien, WA, her 5 children, and their families: Cathy and Jim Smith, of Zillah, Kelly and Mike Shields of Yakima, Robert Pierce of Naches, Kristy and Brady Willis of Selah, and Ryan and Megan Pierce of Allyn, WA. Mary was also blessed with 12 grandchildren and 6 great-grandchildren. Mary was preceded in death by her mother Mary B McCormack, her brother Robert McCormack, her sister Eva Cook and her granddaughter, Danielle Smith.

Past Services

Wednesday,July 13, 2022


Thursday,July 14, 2022

Memorial Service