-A mother, a grandmother, and a great-grandmother that put everyone before herself.
-A lover of all things that needed her, and took in all kinds of mutts - both human and canine.
-A feminist before it was cool. She could fix or do anything and if you told her she couldn’t, she would prove you wrong ten times over just for the sport of it.
My mother lived a life that would’ve brought most people to their knees, but she never gave up. She’d tell you she was like a cat with nine lives, but admittedly, we all lost count of things she “shouldn’t” have survived years ago.
You always knew where you stood with her, and if she loved you, she truly cherished you.
She didn’t have a lot of friends, because she was picky about who got her time and her stories, but the friends she had were golden to her.
She was a talented quilter, metaphorically and literally. She could take lots of torn bits of things and stitch them into something beautiful. If you know anything about her family, you know this to be true.
I sign this as one of the many strong fighters she leaves in sadness, but I can also confidently say that she leaves many, many strong fighters including all six of her children, seventeen grandchildren, fourteen great-grandchildren, and countless other family members (by blood and otherwise).
Donations can be made in her honor to the Atlanta Humane Society or the American Heart Association.