Affectionately known as “Corky,” Manuel was born on August 6, 1967 to his parents, Manuel Madrigal Jr. and Alice Madrigal- both of whom have preceded him. As a child, Manuel attended Broad Ave. Elementary School and Wilmington Jr. High School, later moving on to the prestigious Chadwick Academy in Palos Verdes, California. As a young man, Manuel earned a Bachelor of Arts from Occidental College in 1990. Upon graduating, he worked with his father in Washington, DC. Coast to coast, Manuel helped oversee businesses & boys’ homes, to help rehabilitate young men & give them a second chance to succeed. An avid lover of music, Manuel was a frequent attendee of concerts & a backstage staple. As an adult, Manuel enjoyed his time touring with Los Lobos as a road crew manager. Upon returning home, Manuel opened his first business; a small video store, where he was always proud to have his family and friends stop in for a visit and a rental. Manuel eventually found love with his partner, in business and in life, Sharon Acosta. Eventually, these two owned and operated Coast Highway Caregivers; one of the first licensed dispensaries in California. Most recently, Manuel put his managerial skills to practice, overseeing the daily operations of another popular local dispensary. When he wasn’t busy as an entrepreneur, Manuel could be found traveling, often playing tennis or golf in some exotic destination. Family and friends will recall countless parties and tailgates, full of Manuel’s hearty laugh and witty intellect. An easy-going conversationalist, Manuel enjoyed discussing politics, sports, or any other subject he was well-educated in. Manuel’s honesty and straight-forward manner displayed his emotions and opinions openly; overpowered only by the profound love he had for those closest to him. While he did not practice religion, Manuel’s spiritual journey was one guided by treating others the way he wanted to be treated. His soul will continue to comfort and guide those who keep his memory alive, in word, in song, and in the laughter he inspired and delighted in. He is survived by his loving partner Sharon, his cousins, aunts, uncles, as well as his extended family and lifelong friends. He will be remembered fondly and missed profoundly.