Diane McDermott Bush (born March 1, 1959), passed away surrounded by her daughter, son, and husband, in the early morning of November 20th.
She is preceded by her mother, Diane McDermott; father Michael McDermott Sr; and the many cats that she loved dearly.
She is survived by her husband, David; daughter, Bridget; son, Sean; grandson, Jackson; brothers, Michael Jr, Patrick, and Kevin; her cat, Poppy; and her grand-cats, Butterfly and Olive.
Diane was a light in the lives of everyone who knew her and a fierce fighter for what was right in the world. Her funeral service will be held at Nelsen Funeral Home on Saturday, November 30th, at 2pm. In lieu of flowers, she would like you to do a good deed, make someone smile, and learn something new today. If you would like to make a charitable donation, please make one in her honor to whichever cause is closest to your heart. Online condolences may be shared at www.nelsenwilliamsburg.com.