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Pauline K. HallSister

Erma PowersSister-in-Law

Bennie and husband, Neil HollingsworthDaughter and Son-in-Law

Dallas and wife, Karen TylerSon and Daughter-in-Law

Robin and husband, Lloyd QuinaltyDaughter and Son-in-Law

Rick and wife, Dawn TylerSon and Daughter-in-Law

Julie SchultzDaughter

Traci and husband, Brent HardinDaughter and Son-in-Law

Adrien SchulteGrandchild

Aaron and wife, Jennifer SchulteGrandchild

Vici and husband, Doug MannGrandchild

Lisa and husband, Roy DayGrandchild

Brandon and wife, Cynthia TylerGrandchild

Travis and wife, Michelle TylerGrandchild

Chanda and husband, Matt GardnerGrandchild

Dallas and wife, Audrey QuinaltyGrandchild

Kaitlin and husband, Chase WagnerGrandchild

Courtney TylerGrandchild

Courtney TylerGrandchild

Bailey and wife, Sarah BirdGrandchild

Gracie TylerGrandchild

Corrinna and husband, Nate WilliamsGrandchild

Ashley WattGrandchild

Josh WattGrandchild

Kerry and husband, Eric MedlinGrandchild

Ryan SchultzGrandchild

Clayton and Kirsten SchultzGrandchild

Aubrey and husband, Jake HepplerGrandchild

Cassidy HardinGrandchild

NumerousGreat Grandchildren, Great Great Grandchildren, Nieces and Nephews

Burton T. and Lois I. (Fulton) PowersParents (deceased)

James D. TylerFirst Husband (deceased)

Donald E. BestSecond Husband (deceased)

Burton D. Powers and Floyd E. PowersBrothers (deceased)

Abraham A. and Benjamin B. QuinaltyTwin Infant Grandsons (deceased)

Gabriel TylerGreat Grandson (deceased)


Ryan SchultzCasket Bearer

Clayton SchultzCasket Bearer

Dallas QuinaltyCasket Bearer

Chase WagnerCasket Bearer

Zach HardinCasket Bearer

Cassidy HardinCasket Bearer

Past Services

Monday,August 15, 2022

Funeral Service


Graveside Service