William CoueyFather
Reba (MacDonald) CoueyMother (deceased)
David MillerSon
Glenn MillerFather of David
Aaron CulpSon
Jinx CulpFather of Aaron (deceased)
Michele MillerDaughter-in-law
Sarah MercierGrandchild
Jeremy TauerGrandchild
Shelby MIllerGrandchild
Seth MillerGrandchild
Griffin CulpGrandchild
Alexiah PorterGreat Grandchild
Kason MercierGreat Grandchild
Ryder TauerGreat Grandchild
Kenley TauerGreat Grandchild
Debbie BallSister
John BallBrother-in-law
Marty CoueyBrother
Tina CoueySister-in-law
Joe CoueyBrother
Susan CoueySister-in-law
Donna MastrolySister
Kenny MastrolyBrother-in-law
Steve CoueyBrother
MaryAnn GilchristSister (deceased)
Roger GilchristBrother-in-law
Tony CoueyBrother (deceased)
Marty CoueyCasket Bearer
Joe CoueyCasket Bearer
Andrew CoueyCasket Bearer
Zach MastrolyCasket Bearer
Daniel CoueyCasket Bearer
Jeremy TauerCasket Bearer