How blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked, nor stand in the path of sinners, nor sit in the seat of scoffers! But his delight is in the law of the LORD, and in His law he meditates day and night. He will be like a tree firmly planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in its season, and its leaf does not wither; and in whatever he does, he prospers.
Because he delighted himself in the Word of the Lord, his life grew the same as the tree that continually receives nutrition and is in a state of constant growth. Marion Harrison’s life produced fruit that nourished and strengthened the lives of those he loved.
Known as "Harry" to his family and friends, he was born April 21, 1936 in Colfax, Louisiana. After graduating high school, he enlisted in the United States Air Force and was trained as an electrician. In his travels with the Air Force, he met Barbara Ann Hamlin, and they married on May 13th of 1959. Early in their marriage, they lived in Topeka, Kansas where their two oldest children were born. In 1965 the Air Force sent him to Wichita Falls, Tx, where their third child was born. In 1969, he was deployed to fight in the Vietnam War, but returned in 1970 and was immediately stationed in Japan. First at Kanto Mura, then at Tachikawa, where their fourth child was born. Soon after, the Air Force returned him to Wichita Falls, Tx, where he completed his 23rd year of service and retired as a Master Sergeant.
After leaving the military, Harry became the superintendent of maintenance at the CertainTeed Fiberglass Plant in Wichita Falls. He held that position for 20 years before retiring. He also served a long tenure as a Deacon of Shiloh Baptist Church in Wichita Falls.
Harry battled Parkinson’s Disease for several years before he succumbed to its assault on December 28, 2018. To cherish his memory, he leaves a wife, of 59 years, Barbara Harrison, children Karen Wilson, Marion Harrison, Jr., Brian Harrison, and Dwayne Harrison. Grandchildren Tiffani Wilson, Christopher Wilson, Jonathan Wilson, Rylan Harrison, Caitlyn Harrison, Jennifer Hines, Denzel Hines, London Harrison, Myles Harrison, Michael Harrison, Vanessa Harrison, Matthew Harrison, Victoria Harrison, Alexandria Harrison, and Amaya Harrison.
He also leaves behind six great- grandchildren, Laila Howard, Charli Hines, Levi Wilson, Lyric Wilson, Lexi Wilson, Elias Harrison, and Sky Harrison. One brother, Andrew Harrison, and one sister, Gloria Logan and a host of nieces and nephews.