Floyd Eugene Dalton, age 88, passed away May 11, 2016. Eugene was born March 28, 1928 in a small town east of Jacksonville, Ill. called Pleasant Plains, Ill. His parents Floyd Milton Dalton born 2-6-1902 and Lilly Bell Wilson Dalton born 1-21-1908 were born in an Indian Community at Versailles, Ill.
The Dalton family lived on various farms near the town of Athensville, Ill., until Eugene was 9 years old in 1937. In 1937 Floyd and Lilly Dalton sold all of their farm animals and farm equipment, furniture and household items and auto. The last part of March 1937 the family moved by train to Denver, Colorado with only their personal belongings.
Eugene finished the 4th grade at that time called Garden Home School then in Arapahoe County and continued through the 12th grade at the same school later names Westwood High School. After graduating Eugene attended Capitol College of Pharmacy.
During the late 40’s and early 50’s he worked at various stores in the Meat departments. In 1959 Eugene started a business known as Dalton’s Tax and Bookkeeping Service. His father Floyd Milton Dalton worked with Eugene for a few years.
Eugene has always felt honored and blessed to have had so many friends over his lifetime and a lot of precious relatives that are here today.