91, passed away peacefully at home on the
waterfront of West Vancouver on December
6, 2018. Mason was an avid boater and
salmon fisherman, having taken 11 voyages to
Alaska on his beloved ‘Go Now’. After
creating Evergreen Fertilizer and Domex
Packaging, he built a flotilla of packaging
plants on the Pearl River in China. A devoted
son, nephew, father, husband and friend,
Mason influenced many lives and was blessed
with an exceptional ability to build and
maintain lifelong relationships. Mason’s
community of loved ones included his family:
Hazel and Kyle (parents), his girls, Janet
(Joris), Margaret and her son James as well
as their mother Catheryn. Later, he met his
wife Norma, her children Stephen (Tina),
Craig, and Eric (Celeste) and many
grandchildren. In later life, he shared his
home and final years with many. He was
buoyed by many visits from his friends Rod
and Ally and thrived under the exceptional
care from Cheri and team, Margaret, Dr.
Kevin Mcleod and Dr. Paul Sugar. Further
gatherings are planned in West Vancouver
and Phoenix in the New Year. Please contact
[email protected] to share stories,
photos or stay in touch. Mason had a
wonderful life on the water until his final
sunset. In lieu of flowers, donations can be
made to the Pacific Salmon Foundation (to
support the Percy Walkus Hatchery in Rivers
Inlet) – www.psf.ca or 604-664-7664.