Nick grew up in Sandy, Utah. In his Freshman year, his family moved to Tulsa, OK and he graduated from Jenks High School, graduated from BYU-Idaho and Ferris State University in Big Rapids, Michigan with a Bachelor’s Degree in Facility Management.
Nick served an honorable mission in the Guatemala South Mission. He married Britta Lorraine Torgesen, for time and all eternity in the Washington DC Temple on August 19, 2003. He was a loving husband and dedicated father, being very involved in the lives of his three beautiful daughters. He served faithfully in many callings, including the Young Men’s program, Counselor in the Elder’s Quorum Presidency and Counselor in the Bishopric. Nick was an Eagle Scout and enjoyed the outdoors, especially fishing and was an avid gardener. He also enjoyed collecting unique and unusual items. Basketball was among his favorite sports, although he enjoyed them all. He was the life of the party with his family and was a loyal friend.
He is truly “in and through” all of us. We take comfort that he is in the care of our Heavenly Father and that families are forever.
Nick is survived by his wife, Britta, children; Makenzie, Avery and Emme, parents, siblings; Christine (Troy) Donovan, Sharon (Chris) Johnson, Heather (Brian) Chandler, Ben (Mindy) Gillen and Jake (Lilet) Gillen and 20 nieces and nephews.
Funeral services will be Saturday, September 21, 2013 at 11:00 a.m. at the Roy Midland Stake Center at 4800 S. 3649 W., Roy, Utah. Visitation will be from 9-10:45 a.m. before. Interment: Murray City Cemetery.