Clark Sylvester Rushton, 80, finished his gardening, laid his last brick, fed his animals and took one last look at his perfect yard on March 27, 2019. His journey to the next meadow was filled with tears as he gazed upon many family and friends. There to embrace him was his father and mother (Sylvester Allen Rushton and Luzon Beatrice Nelson), brothers Lynn and Johnnie and his father-in-law and mother-in-law
(Alden Taylor and Doris Davis Orlando).
Clark was born on December 4, 1938 in Salt Lake City, Utah. He helped his father build their family home at age 17 and built two homes for his own family, living 60+ years on 5200 West in Hunter, Utah. After graduating from Cyprus High School in 1957 he married the love of his life, Sharron Taylor, on September 5, 1958 in the Salt Lake Temple. In 2018 they celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary. They were blessed with three wonderful children, eight grandchildren and seven great grandchildren.
Clark was a wonderful, kind, creative and dependable man. Growing up on a farm, Clark learned early on the value of hard work. At a young age, he was responsible to care for the horses, milk the cows, thin beets and do for others. He was an avid hunter with a great sense of direction. He could find his way back to camp, never getting lost. Clark was a real cowboy and his family has many wonderful memories riding horses together.
Clark was a brick contractor and ran his own business for thirty years. He was very adventurous hunting bobcats, mountain lions, buffalo and mountain goats. He had impeccable aim with his bow and arrow. He enjoyed the outdoors immensely. He loved to go riding his ATV, camping, snowmobiling and doing taxidermy. He was very creative and could build anything. Some of Clark’s many interests also included raising birds of all kinds, peacocks, turkeys, pheasants and homing pigeons. He was known for his beautiful flowers and immaculate yard earning him the West Valley City Beautification Award three times. He loved genealogy and loved hearing and reading about his ancestors. Clark led a life of service and love. He was the kind of man that always looked for opportunities to help his neighbors and serve the Lord. He loved working with the youth and serving in the High Council for many years.
Clark is survived by his wife Sharron, children Shane (Susan) Rushton, Carrie (Doug) Adams, Darin (Lonii) Rushton, grandchildren and his great grandchildren.
Funeral Services to be held Thursday, April 4 at 11:00 a.m. at the Hunter Second Ward, 3970 South 5200 West, West Valley City. Family and Friends may call Wednesday, April 3, from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. at the Valley View Memorial Mortuary, 4335 West 4100 South, West Valley City, and Thursday from 10:00 to 10:45 a.m. at the Hunter Second Ward. Interment, Valley View Memorial Park Cemetery.
You have worked hard, loved and served your Heavenly Father. It is time to wander in the mountains and reminisce. We love you so much!
Colt Adams
Jordan Rushton
Cody Jenkins
Hunter Marsolek
Chase Rushton
Aaron McQueen
Ruby McQueenHonorary Pallbearer
Gracey MarsolekHonorary Pallbearer
Harper AdamsHonorary Pallbearer
Jake McQueenHonorary Pallbearer
Pierce JenkinsHonorary Pallbearer
Preston JenkinsHonorary Pallbearer