Kenneth Kessler of Washington, DC passed away at 78 on September 27, at home, surrounded by his family. He is survived by his wife of 46 years, Martha, his daughters, Justine and Lauren, his grandson, Laszlo, son-in-law, Zander Mackie, brother, Howard, sister, Susan Beck, and many nieces and nephews. Ken grew up in Cheltenham, PA. After graduating from Temple Medical School, Ken moved to Washington, DC for his psychiatric internship at Washington Hospital Center, followed by a residency at the University of Pennsylvania. Ken's first company, a managed mental healthcare company called American Psych Management was one of the first in the field. It was taken public in 1989. After pioneering the field of managed mental health care, Ken went on to start other successful businesses in disease and addiction management. Ken's skills as a business leader carried over into all aspects of his life. His friends and family remember him for the sound guidance he was always able to offer, especially as regards all things medical. He started a Covid mailing list in the summer of 2019 that attracted many followers. Ken had a lifelong passion for architecture and interior design that found expression in several home renovations he oversaw closely. Most recently, he bought and renovated a beautiful home on the Annapolis waterfront. Always a Washingtonian, he followed politics and the issues of the day closely and could always be counted upon to regale his friends and dinner companions with his views on world events. More than anything, Ken loved to laugh. He had a terrific sense of humor and was known to leave tables of people in stitches. He was a true friend, devoted husband, loving brother and wonderful father. He was a rock for many, a light in uncertain times and will be missed. A memorial service and reception will follow at Joseph Gawler's Sons on Saturday, October 2, at 11AM.