Elizabeth Louise McQuade, affectionately known as Betty Lou, passed away on July 16, 2023, at the age of 72. Born on July 2, 1951, she grew up in Baldwin, NY and attended Baldwin High School, where she first met her beloved husband, Brian McQuade. Betty Lou had a distinguished career as an educator, spanning over 40 years, during which she earned multiple "Teacher of the Year" awards. She served as the long-time director of Blessed Sacrament School's annual spring musical, touching the lives of countless students from kindergarten to eighth grade. Betty Lou's passion extended beyond the classroom as she cherished spending time with her family and dogs in Rehoboth Beach, DE. She leaves behind her loving husband, three children, a grandson, and two siblings. A funeral service will be held at 11 AM on July 21, 2023, at Blessed Sacrament Church in Washington, DC. Betty Lou's legacy of love, compassion, and generosity lives on in the hearts of those she touched.