Winston Tuck Loomis of Apple Valley, California, passed away peacefully in his home on April 30, 2017. He was born in Loma Linda, California, and grew up in Oro Grande. Winston graduated from Victor Valley H.S. and received an Associates Degree from San Bernardino Valley College. Before being married to Joy Ann King on December 16, 1961, he served in the U.S. Army for 2 years during the Korean War. Winston had a 43 year career as an Accountant/ Office Manager for Riverside Cement Company in Oro Grande. He is survived by his daughter Caprice Craig (Kenny), sons Mark Loomis (Jenny), Daniel Loomis, Eric Loomis (Agie), grandchildren Sean Loomis, Nohea Loomis, and Kamea Loomis. Most importantly, he lived his life loving and serving his Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, and providing a spiritual foundation for his family.