Michael (Mickey) John Lawler January 15, 1959 - January 14, 2015 Michael was born in Toledo, OH on 1/15/1959; passed away in Victorville on January 14, 2015. Michael is preceded in death by his mother Barbara Queckboerner and sister Loretta Jerome. He is survived by his wife of 14 years, Kathleen; daughters, Audrey Lawler and Abigail Lawler of Victorville, CA, Jill Lawler of Lancaster, Jaime Burg (David) of Phelan, and Mary Donahue of Pasadena. Siblings, Timothy Lawler of Idaho, Teresa (Bill) Smith of Novato, CA, Patricia Calderon (Al) of Palmdale, CA; and 6 grandchildren. Services will be held at St. Mary's Church, 1600 E. Ave., R-4, Palmdale, CA on March 6, 2015, 11AM. Reception to Follow.