Sara Stuart JohnstonWife

William Lane “Bill” Johnston (Denine)Son and Daughter-In-Law

Sara L. DotterDaughter

Robert H. “Bob” Johnston IIISon

Walter Stuart Johnston (Lisa)Son and Daughter-In-Law

Lane JohnstonBrother

Amanda JohnstonGrandchild

Allison Johnston HoranGrandchild

Julia DotterGrandchild

Sara Grace DotterGrandchild

Matthew JohnstonGrandchild

Luke JohnstonGrandchild

Katherine JohnstonGrandchild

Hugh JohnstonGrandchild

Ian JohnstonGrandchild

Shepherd HoranGreat-Grandson

Robert Hugh JohnstonFather (deceased)

Neddie Lane JohnstonMother (deceased)


Marek Aubrecht

Jeffrey Horan

Hugh Johnston

Ian Johnston

Luke Johnston

Matthew Johnston

Peyton Williams

Past Services

Sunday,February 26, 2023


Monday,February 27, 2023

Funeral Service

Monday,February 27, 2023
