Lawrence Johnston Sr.Father (deceased)
Meta Forester JohnstonMother (deceased)
Linda Haschke JohnstonWife
Bradley Johnston and wife SonyaSon and Daughter-in-law
Michael Johnston and wife JodySon and Daughter-in-law
Dawn Stumfoll and husband MarkDaughter and Son-In Law
Roscoe JohnstonBrother
Lawrence Johnston Jr.Brother (deceased)
Kye JohnstonGrandchild
Allee JohnstonGrandchild
Hayden StumfollGrandchild
Cullen StumfollGrandchild
Ellasyn StumfollGrandchild
Emerie StumfollGrandchild
Alyssa JohnstonGrandchild
Shelby ClineGrandchild
Samantha JohnstonGrandchild
Jessica FinkGrandchild
Jasmine JohnstonGrandchild
Al also leaves behind 5 great-grandchildren and 1 on the way to cherish his memory.
Ray GoodwinActive
Bruce McDonaldActive
John TaitActive
Gordon HarrisActive
Bill ColeActive
Ken IsbellActive
Les BlanchettHonorary
2022 Industrial Cobra Varsity Football TeamHonorary
Industrial Athletic Booster ClubP.O Box 497, Inez, Texas 77968
First English Lutheran Church516 N. Main St., Victoria, Texas 77901