Ken passed peacefully to his eternal rest at home with his family. Ken was the last surviving child of Mabel and Ernie Warren (Gillis and Warren Ltd. Brandon, MB.). Predeceased by son, Ron (1998) and first wife, Audrey (2000) after 50 happy years of marriage; and son-in-law, Robert Hall (2016).
Survived by his second wife, Sue Morrison; daughters Pamela Hall; Barb (Lorne Gordon); grandchildren Laird Gordon and Whitney Gordon; stepdaughter Lynda (Steve Fryatt) niece Leslie (Wayne Thompson) nephew Shaun Kempston (Claire) and many extended family members.
Born in Winnipeg, Ken grew up in Brandon, Man. Throughout his career in marketing, mostly in the oil business, Ken first moved east then progressively west, retiring in Edmonton in 1992, soon after moving to Victoria. After many years as a widower, a chance meeting brought Sue into his life. They enjoyed over 15 happy years together. Ken loved family, was an avid Sunday New York Times crossworder, enjoyed volunteering in his community, and was active in his church.
A Celebration of Life will be held at St. George the Martyr Anglican Church, 3909 St. Georges Lane, on Wednesday, July 26 at 2 PM.
In lieu of flowers, donations to the charity of your choice.