Joyce was the second born of 7 siblings to Everett & Beulah Blair in the Kerrobert, Saskatchewan Hospital on March 2, 1928.
She leaves behind, her her daughter Faye (Adam) Kostiuk , son Donald Leigh (Eva) McKnight, daughter Merle (Hans) Kurz. She also left behind , 7 grandchildren.
She was predeceased by the Love of her Life Elmer Clifford Benner in January of 2017, and by her eldest son, Glen Wade McKnight, in May of 2013.
She passed away peacefully, in Hearth Stone Manor. We are so thankful to Christine & all the staff , for the loving care she received in the last months of her life. Mom worked as a telephone operator in, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Okanagan, & B.C. Telephones. She belonged to the Vernon & Kelowna Toastmasters, Telephone Pioneers of America. She also volunteered for the Hospital Auxiliary in Manitoba, Community Policing Office-Kelowna, Kelowna Regatta Queens committee.