Bessie Marie Rose, beloved mother, proud Navy veteran & longtime resident of Ventura, passed away suddenly at home on the morning of Thursday, July 11, 2013 after a long illness. She was 90. She is survived by her son & latter-day caregiver Mark Rose, step-children Linda Gagnon of Oak View & Patricia Sweet of Grenola, KS, niece Carolyn Harris of Clovis, NM and numerous other blood kin from her original home base of New Mexico.
Bessie’s departure ends an era: she was the last survivor of 8 children born to William & Christine Bailey of New Mexico. Bessie was born Dec. 17, 1922 near Clovis, NM. Bessie lost her mother at 5, then as a teenager worked for her keep with various farming families, often missing classes & school sports to help out at home, yet triumphed as valedictorian of her small school. Although a promising student, college was not an affordable option so she enlisted in the Navy at age 20, stationed at Pensacola, FL. Following her 1945 honorable discharge as an Aviation Machinist’s Mate, 2nd Class, Bessie worked at a Santa Barbara medical clinic until her 1948 marriage to Victor Rose. The couple had 3 children: Bonnie (b. 1950), Kenneth (1955) & Mark (1959.) Sadly, Kenneth lived only to age 8 & Bonnie to age 31, Mark being Bessie’s only child to survive his mother. Following her divorce in 1975 Bessie worked as a salesclerk for a major retailer, proving herself a treasured employee & striking up lasting friendships with many co-workers. She retired in 1987, journeying to Hawaii, Australia, New England & much of Europe until declining health precluded further travel. Thereafter she found contentment at home but stayed active in the local W.A.V.E.S. chapter.
As one longtime friend said “there’s only one Bessie.” Although her own personal history was beset with tragedy she was a shining example of unselfishness, natural leadership & unassuming can-do. Brownie Leader, Cub Scout Den Mother, PTA President, W.A.V.E.S. Chapter President, enthusiastic homemaker & gardener, avid reader & strong role model to her children. As a parent Bessie led by example, without threats or hard language: “if you ever need something so badly you have to steal it, I’ll give you the money.” Among friends she was eagerly sought as a traveling companion, to her son’s friends she was known as “Mrs. Mark’s Mom.” The reluctant author of this testimonial will miss his mother beyond words but feels some solace knowing his life partner & best friend is finally free of her afflictions. Mom & sister Bonnie have a lot to catch up on!
Services will be held Saturday, July 20 at 10AM at Charles Carroll Funeral Home, followed by a graveside service with military honors.