Maria Mildred Maldonado, affectionately known as “Wela”, was an amazing woman who loved God and her family above all else. She took her last breath surrounded by her children and family on Friday, April 5th, 2019. She was born in Morovis, Puerto Rico on August 22nd, 1935. At the age of 17, she moved from Puerto Rico to New York.
Wela will always be remembered for her servant heart, spirit of worship, humility, compassion, generosity, and unconditional love. She was committed to spreading God’s love, even to the very end. From December 6th 1958, her spouse, Radames Maldonado, and she shared God’s love at Iglesia de Cristo Misionera in Rochester, New York. She continued fulfilling God’s plan in 1992 by supporting her son, Pastor Radames Maldonado Jr, at New Life Ministries in San Antonio, TX. At New Life Ministries, they fulfilled their dream of being Missionaries in Mexico. Finally, for fifteen years they were the pioneers of New Life’s Food Pantry Ministry.
Wela would like everyone to know that her work here is complete. (Mathew 25:23) She answered God’s call, an offer she could not refuse, an appointment to eternal life. Although she will not return to us here; she will be waiting patiently for us to answer God’s call. This mission comes with the promise of eternal life, a reunion with family and friends she has not seen in a while. Her new journey takes her to the Promised Land, by the Grace of God. In heaven, Wela will be hosting, singing, dancing, and welcoming all by sharing her delicious food. The legacy and charge she has left for her children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren is to continue the race, by the example she set; to sing all day, smile as much as you can, share what you have, love one another with all your heart.
Wela was blessed with a large loving family. She is survived by her six children Radames “Rady”Jr., David, Elias, Albert, Manuel and Marie “Lely” Aricelis Maldonado. Wela is grandmother to nineteen grandchildren: Adam, Lizzi, Clarisa, Jessica, Terence, Jeannie, Salome, Jessamine, Jonathan, Jayden, Alayra, Aryam, Adiel, Aliezer, Emanuel, Tiana, Nicholas, Natalie, Nathan. She is great-grandmother to 13 great-grandchildren Isela, Leilani, Adalyn, Ezequiel, EJ, Evanna, Zahria, Zion, Zein, Danny, Josiah, Viviana, Anthony, Solomon. She is also survived by her siblings: Blanco, Pelegrin, Carmita and Felipe. She is preceded in death by her husband Radames Maldonado and her brother Jose “Gurin” Santana.
Wela’s deepest desire was that her children would always be at peace with one another and remain in unity….Wela, we will honor you.
Psalm 133:1 (NIV) Behold how good and how pleasant it is when brothers live in harmony.