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José Carlos AmaralSon

Vickey AmaralDaughter-in-law

Geraldina CrickettDaughter

Colin CrickettSon-in-law

Leonar RamosDaughter

Albert RamosSon-in-law

Angela CastroDaughter

Dennis CastroSon-in-law

Ilda AguileraDaughter

Alfredo AguileraSon-in-law

Teresa CarreiroDaughter

Laudalino CarreiroSon-in-law

Fernando MedeirosBrother

Januario MedeirosBrother

José MedeirosBrother

Filomena CordeiroSister

Angelo AmaralHusband (deceased)

Mark SousaGrandson (deceased)

Manuel MedeirosBrother (deceased)

Maria do Luz MeloMother (deceased)

Mariano Pereira de MedeirosFather (deceased)

Mrs. Medeiros also leaves behind fifteen grandchildren and four great-grandchildren with one more on the way to honor her memory.


Kevin Sousa

Brian Sousa

Ashley Ramos

Kathleen Ramos

Patrick Ramos

Vincent Medeiros


Dementia Society of AmericaPO Box 600, Doylestown, Pennsylvania 18901

Past Services

Tuesday,March 27, 2018


Wednesday,March 28, 2018

Recitation of the Rosary followed by Funeral Mass

Wednesday,March 28, 2018

Graveside Service