Richard Charles Lohse, passed away on January 17, 2015. He was born December 11, 1951 in Tucson, AZ. He is survived by his Son, Alex Lohse and brother, John Lohse. Please join the family for a memorial service on Sunday, January 25, 2015 at 3:00 pm at East Lawn Palms Mortuary, 5801 E. Grant Rd. For more information please visit,
Rick was a licensed contractor doing residential and commercial construction for many years as Lohse Construction Company. He was extraordinarily gifted in carpentry and mechanics. Rick was an avid reader, a self taught guitar player, gun enthusiast, and a lover of the great outdoors. One of his many passions was exploring new and old areas in the Sonoita and Aravaca area. Rick was a beloved man who was a second father to many of his children’s friends and he was a devoted father to his own children, never missing a sporting event. Rick always had a mischievous smile on his face. His witty humor made all those around him smile and laugh. There are few words that can fully describe Rick. He was a man bigger than life and he lived his life to the fullest. His legacy will be carried on by those who love him. Rick, we all love you very much and you will be sorely missed by those of us left behind.