RAMON A. CAMPAS JR. Also affectionately known as, "COACH RAY", RAMONCITO, and RAYMOND, left us unexpectedly on February 23, 2019. Ray was born on 11/16/1961 and was 57yrs young. He has left behind his wife/best friend Patricia, his children, who share all the best parts of him: Michael, Gabriella, Celeste and Jacob. His devoted father, Ramon A. Campas Sr., In-laws James (Erika), Angela, David, and Trini (Randy). His nieces, Sharayah, Nicole (Chuy), Alex(Michael), Sydney, Naomi, Emily, and Sidney Hughes. Great niece Tiana and great nephews Devan, Noah, Tonalli and new baby Jayden. Mother in-law Vicki Orosco and Auntie Dodie Orosco. Brother Richard Campas, Sister Marisa Hughes, and Mother Maria Troutner. Extended family including Aunts, Uncles, cousins and that are left to keep his legacy alive. Services at St. Ambrose Church 300 S Tucson Blvd, Friday March 8, 2019, 10 am Rosary, Mass immediately following. Reception to follow at Knights of Columbus.