CRICHLOW, Joyce Doreen quietly slipped from this life into the next on May 14, 2022 at the St. George Care Community, Orchid Ave. ~ First Floor, St. George Street, Toronto, Ontario. Joyce resided here from February 2019 until her death. She was born in St. Michael, Barbados, West Indies, an only child to her parents Mr. George and Mrs. Liena (Archer) Crichlow. Sister Joyce was predeceased by her grandparents (whom she credited for her up-bringing and faith in the Lord) and her parents.
Joyce migrated to Canada in the early fifties when the Canadian Government opened its borders to Domestics. She ended up in Winnipeg, Manitoba where she served as a nannie. Meeting another nannie on a day-off, she learned about the city of Toronto and shortly after boarded a train and headed east to Toronto. She eventually found work as the nannie to the Nurenberger family children and over the years developed a great bond with them. ‘Till this day, that bond still exit.
She leaves behind a host of relatives and friends who resides in the West Indies, United States and abroad to mourn her passing. She also leaves a great number of friends and acquaintances throughout Ontario and elsewhere. She had the privilege to travel to different cities in Canada~ in particular Nova Scotia and the USA, where she cultivated many friendships.
Sister Joyce joined First Baptist Church in June 1959 and was an active and faithful servant of the Lord for many years. Some of the ministries she served on: Moderator of the Board of Management, Good Friends Club, Senior Citizens Committee, Gospel Movement, Altar Committee, Kitchen Committee, just to name a few. There was something about her that drew children to her, and not children only, but also others.
She also served as a volunteer out in the community at centers for wayward youth, especially with young girls. In her old neighborhood, she was known for encouraging young girls and boys about the important of getting a good education and keeping out of trouble. She wasn’t ashamed to tell them about the Lord. This wasn’t only to children and youth, but also to adults and anyone else whom she could get close to. Sister Joyce was very generous, almost to a fault. If she knew you needed help she wouldn’t hesitate to reach out and lift you up.
Joyce was a long-standing member of the Grand United Order of Odd Fellows Household of Ruth, No. 6968. Positions held: Past Worthy Grand Superior and Past Most Noble Governor, District Grand Lodge No. 5.
She had a few sayings that she was known for: “God’s got a door and He knows when to open it”, “I can’t even walk without Him holding my hand”, “Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid” and “Jesus paid a debt that I owe and can’t even pay”.
Rest in Peace Child of God! One day we’ll meet again! Gone but won’t be forgotten!
Words of Appreciation
We take this opportunity to thank all who supported Sister Joyce over the last few years of her life, especially during the COVID era. Thank you for your cards, your prayers, your telephone calls and your personal visits. To the entire staff at St. George Care Community Centre, mainly the nurses and PSWs who served on Orchid Ave. (the first floor), thank you for the loving care you showered on Auntie Joyce ~ as you affectionally called her. Thanks, also, to Bro. Dennis Provo for providing the music and those who volunteered their time and serviced as Pallbearers. To Pastor Gibbs and First Baptist Church, thank you for hosting Sister Joyce’s Farewell Service, the place where she worshipped and served for many years. Finally, thanks to the Directors at Giffen-Mack & Trull Funeral Home, Danforth and Main for their service in helping to lay Joyce to rest. May God richly bless us all as we share in His love!
A visitation will be held at the Giffen-Mack and Trull Funeral Home, 2570 Danforth Ave., Toronto, on Tuesday, May 24, 2022 from 6:00-8:00 p.m. With a Funeral Service taking place at First Baptist Church, 101 Huron St., Toronto, on Wednesday, May 25, 2022 at 11:00a.m. Friends are welcome to gather at the church from 10:00-11:00 a.m.
Interment will take place at Bethel Pioneer Cemetery.