Peacefully, surrounded by family passed on September 21, 2016. Dennis was predeceased by his mother Doris, father
Clarence and older brother Edward Grady. Dennis is survived by his spouse of 18 years Jerry Smokovic.
Dennis had many dear friends, notably Bear, Raymond Gompf and Colin Lum, who will be receiving Dennis` ashes and bringing them to his final resting place Honolulu, Hawaii.
Dennis brought love and received it back greatly. He was the most patient, tolerant man. There are not enough words to describe the impact he had on all who he met and knew.
Dennis was my shield. My everything. He is in the next journey now with everyone he loved. He is with me and all of us. I am comforted by this. Dennis would want all of us to be strong and persevere. Love life and love one another.
Dennis. My light, my love, my everything. You are with me always. I love you eternally. Amen.