Dear beloved friends, Jie Zhu, after a brave battle with illness, peacefully passed away at 8:15pm, Tuesday, the 12th of December 2023 with her husband, Dexue Fu, and son Ray Fu by her side in her home. Jie was born in Beijing, China on January 22, 1966.
She grew up in the city and after graduate from college in 1988, she worked for the Beijing Center for Disease Control where she met Dexue Fu. They fell in love and eventually got married 3 years later. In 1993, she went to Japan with her husband to pursue a masters degree in Chemistry at Utsunomiya University Japan. She graduated in 1999.
After working at a food company in Japan for 3 years, she immigrated to Maryland in the United States in 2001. It was then that she started to work for Johns Hopkins and stayed there for over 21 years since 2002. In 2001, Jie and her family moved to Baltimore, Maryland where they raised their family to grow in faith and became involved with the church. She started a Bible Study and became a Christian in the Howard County Chinese Church in 2005. Later on, she joined the Baltimore Chinese Church.
Jie was a bright and sunny person that never failed to make anyone smile. From camping on weekends to hiking in Yellowstone, she loved to be active and was always looking for new destinations to travel to. She really enjoyed planning events and getting people together. She is survived by his husband, Dexue Fu, son Ray Fu, and daughter, May Fu.
Friends and family may say final goodbyes and memorial service at Lemmon Funeral Home at 10 West Padonia Road, Timonium MD 21093 on Saturday, December 23, 2023 at 10AM. The burial will follow at Dulaney Valley Memorial Gardens, 200 East Padonia Road, Timonium MD 21093.
Please let anyone who knew Jie know that they are welcome to be there to commemorate and remember her life.
Husband: Dexue Fu
Son: Ray Fu
Daughter: May Fu
各位亲朋好友: 怀着万分悲痛的心情告诉您一个遗憾的消息:爱妻朱杰57岁,于2023年12月12日20点15分在我和儿子的陪伴下平静地在家中去逝世. 朱杰1966年1月22日出生在中国北京.幼年时本是书香门第的家受文革打击巨大,父母被下放农村劳改,只能在北京与受批斗强迫扫厕所的爷爷相依为命!1988年大学毕业后,分配在北京疾病控制中心工作,刚好我也同一年分配在相同的单位工作,我被这个阳光开朗、幽默风趣、走到哪里都会给人带来欢乐笑语的女孩吸引,我们相识并相爱,于1991年结婚. 1993年我们一同前往日本留学,朱杰于1999年在日本获得食品化学硕士学位,她并随即在一家著名的日本食品公司工作.2001年朱杰不得不放弃条件好的日本工作,带着在日本出生的儿子来到美国与已在美国工作的我相聚,一起开始在美国马里兰生活.2002开始我们一起开始在Hopkins工作.朱杰主要参与从事一些与小儿心脏病方面的研究. 2003年我们可爱的女儿到来,为家里增加了无尽的欢乐.朱杰一直在Hopkins工作至今. 由于在日本生活期间,有一对日本基督徒夫妇长期对我们提供无微不至的帮助,并且带我们一起学习圣经,参加教会活动.受到这对日本基督徒夫妇的无私帮助和影响,一到Baltimore朱杰就开始了寻找教会并开始教会生活. 朱杰坚持学习圣经,开始在灵里成长,于2005年受洗成为一名真正的基督徒.此后她一直以爱心去帮助周围的人们,这爱心也浸润了我们的儿女-承睿和承美. 正当我们的儿女慢慢长大,开始工作和大学生活的时候,去年10月,朱杰不幸诊断患有胰腺癌.她乐观面对并积极配合治疗.她是个蒙主恩的人,在生命的最后时刻,经历疾病痛苦和死荫幽谷时仍赞美主,为主作了美好见证. 虽然此刻我们的心情与所有失去至亲的一样痛彻心扉,但却又因知道妻子已去了美好而没有疾病痛苦的天堂感到由衷的平安喜乐。感谢赞美主! 愿妻子的灵魂在主怀中得安息! 在此我也谨代表朱杰和我们全家,向所有在这艰难时刻予以我们支持和陪伴的每一个表示深深的感谢.我们也对Hopkins 和Hospice的医护团队表示衷心感谢,他们的高超专业与细心护理让朱杰最后一段生活过得平静安稳 特别感谢各位亲朋好友,你们在朱杰患病期间的帮助、探望、祷告和鼓励,实在令我们难忘。 我们将举行葬礼和追思会,以表达我们对亲人的怀念与哀思,记念她的信仰与生命.我非常诚挚地邀请您和您的家人参加这个特别的仪式并分享您的记念. 谢谢您的关心与鼓励 丈夫:傅德学 电话:443-9852378 [email protected] 葬礼与追思会地址: December 23, 2023, 10AM Lemmon Funeral Home 10 West Padonia Road Timonium, MD 21093 410-2526000 下葬地址: Dulaney Valley Memorial Gardens, 200 East Padonia Road, Timonium MD 21093